Before my memory fades, I had a realistic nightmare last night. I think I was being chased or on the verge of dying but not totally. All I know it was a cat and mouse situation in some location with parked cars in the cold, dim daylight. Then the dream switched to a neutral one where I was walking to my car in a parking lot plaza until this Indian girl in black spandex rents a bicycle and races off. I never saw her face but my instinct told me I knew her, that she looked familiar, and I couldn't compete with her.
Oh, I remember now! In the nightmare where I was being chased, I kept dialing 911 but it wasn't working. It was a busy signal, wrong number, then a woman told me I have to dial extra digits. I was like "What the fuck are you talking about?! I need help!" Can you imagine the world without immediate help like that? It's coming back now...the location was a mountain, some kind of flat-leveled area on the side of the mountain. There were old cabins. Could be a camp site. I didn't have anything so I must've been chased for witnessing something horrible.
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